How I Work



The initial step is the discovery phase and is one of the most essential. Like a compass, it helps set the direction your project will take. Fact is, you can’t develop an effective solution without a solid understanding of the problem or goal. You’ll have ideas and I’ll have questions. Although I’ll be working for you, we'll be working together - the result of which will be a solution that will successfully communicate your unique message. Afterall “failing to plan is planning to fail”.



I’ll take the knowledge gathered from our research and planning phase and begin brainstorming, sketching and wireframing. I'll gathering the various puzzle pieces and fit them together. We'll plan on aspects such as information architecture, content hierarchy and user experience, a solid conceptual solution will ultimately emerge.



Visual elements are purposefully applied and tools such as lines, shapes, typography and color psychology are carefully combined to ensure your unique message is successfully communicated. When it comes to websites, this phase also involves coding, optimising, revising and testing to ensure they adhere to current standards, best practices and work well across multiple browsers - so ALL your viewers have a positive experience! Design isn’t just about making things look good – it’s an equal mixture of aesthetics and function. What use is a pretty façade if it doesn't work?



After artwork has been printed, websites have been launched and everything is up and running, they'll most likely require further promotion, management and on-going monitoring and tweaking. What use is a website that customers can’t find or a flyer that few have seen? Now you understand the inner workings of the design process, I can help your business connect with your viewers?